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We supply a wide range of unique and interesting reclaimed retro industrial lighting which have all been professio...
Read moreUnit 3E, Duns Lane, Leicester, Leicestershire LE3 5LX - LightLed-Design
LightLED-Design is an Bespoke LED Lighting Design & Supply Specialist. Whether it is a full lighting design y...
Read moreSalop Street, Daybrooke, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire NG5 6HD - Pulse Lighting LTD
A Leading supplier of LED Lighting across the UK. Primarily operating in the retail lighting sector, we pride o...
Read more39A Highmeres Road, Leicester, Leicestershire le49lz - Loomlight Design Ltd.
Loomlight is a small team of lighting professionals, passionate in the search for vintage industrial lighting and...
Read moreLeicester, Leicestershire LE3 5LX