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Professional Lighting Fixtures - Dress up in COLOURS' Exclusively available from LAMP UK and providing the perf...
Read moreMa, Beaconside Industrial Park, Stafford, Staffordshire ST18 0WL - Andra Munro Design Ltd
Multi-Award Winning Lighting Designer assisting Interior Designers and Private Clients to enhance their project st...
Read moreStafford, Staffordshire ST17 4JF - Scabetti
Founded in 1999, Dominic and Frances Bromley’s work, under their British label Scabetti, is a distinctive portfoli...
Read more13 Town Yard, Station Street, Leek, Staffordshire ST13 8BF - Light my house
At light my house we search the world for beautiful afordable lighting just for your home. we offer freindly free...
Read moreatlow winn farm, ashbourn, Derbyshire DE6 1PY - The Lighting Specialist
We are Cheshire-based electricians, specialising in lighting design and installation. We will create a practical a...
Read moreEnglesea Brook, Cheshire CW2 5QW - Lumo Lamps
Hand-made Bespoke Beautiful Lamps
Derby, Derbyshire DE13 9HS - Made Brighter
I hated only being able to buy plain and simply lampshades, so I decided to make my own.
RUGELEY, Staffordshire WS15 - Teamson UK Ltd
We strive to become the leading provider of lifestyle products by offering exceptional, artistic, and unique produ...
Read more35b-35c The High Street, Newport, Shropshire TF107AT - Decolight ltdWOLVERHAMPTON
Discount Original BTC and Davey Lighting stockist based in the UK.
STOKE-ON-TRENT, Staffordshire ST3 4EY - E2 Contract Lighting
Based in the Heart of England, E2 Lighting have a strong reputation within the Hospitality industry. We have been...
Read moreStoke, Staffordshire ST4 7NJ - Lampshade Maker
We make cylinder,oval and hexagonal lampshades in a range of sizes and covered in a mock/faux silk fabric in a cho...
Read moreElms Business Centre, Main Road, Great Haywood, Stafford, Staffordshire ST18 0SB - Myles williamswhitchurch, Shropshire sy134eg
- Tiffany Lighting Company
It’s well known in interior design that choosing the right lighting can make or break a room, but when you choose...
Read moreWolverhampton, West Midlands WV2 4PN - Teamson35b-35c The High Street, Newport, Shropshire TF107AT