Paint and Wall Covering Professionals in Alcester, Warwickshire

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Alcester / 25 mi
115 of 53 professionals
53 Professionals

Featured Reviews for Paint and Wall Covering Professionals in Alcester, Warwickshire

The Paint Makers
Paint and Wall Covering Professionals in Alcester, Warwickshire
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars22 September 2015
“Paint by Conran are a great company to work alongside. Whenever I go into the office they are so welcoming and nothing is too much trouble. They are great at providing samples for any project I am doing. The paint itself is great to work with and comes in a beautiful range of colours as well as providing great coverage, it is also extremely durable so it is a great product to recommend to clients. As an Interior Designer I am always looking for companies to work alongside that make my job easier and Paint by Conran does that in every way. Elizabeth Archer Interiors by Elizabeth Archer”
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