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About Us

Veronica is a freelance photographer with over 19 years of professional experience, specialising in Interior, Architectural and Residential photography. Her professional work has been published in national and international magazine titles and newspapers such as 25 Beautiful Homes, Ideal Home, House Beautiful, Barbara, Real Homes, Good Homes, The Financial Times. Her clients are interior designers, architects, design & build companies, publishing houses, national and international magazines and newspapers.

Services Provided

Architectural Photography, Interior Photography, Property Photography

Areas Served

London, UK, Europe


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Business Details

Business Name

Veronica Rodriguez Interior Photography

Phone Number

07808 833883


London, Greater London SW20 8DY
United Kingdom

Typical Job Cost

£110 - £795

Shoots can be billed Hourly, on a Half Day or Full Day basis. Please contact me directly for more accurate details. contact@veronicarodriguez.co.uk


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Contact Veronica Rodriguez Interior Photography
United Kingdom
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