Stonemasons in Horsham, West Sussex

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Horsham / 25 mi
115 of 53 professionals
53 Professionals

Featured Reviews for Stonemasons in Horsham, West Sussex

London Polished Concrete
Stonemasons in Horsham, West Sussex
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars8 June 2016
“Really easy to deal with. Service was professional throughout and everything was completed exactly as they said it would be. We are very happy with the floor.”
Pana builders
Stonemasons in Horsham, West Sussex
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars29 May 2016
“I selected Pana Builders to erect two stone porticos and a large balcony at my house based on their specialism in the field and previous recommendations in stone work. After working with them, Pana Builders have exceeded my expectations by their level of quality in their work, communication and flexibility to work on site with other builders. I have no hesitation in recommending Pana Builders and I look forwards to work with them again in the near future.”
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