Stonemasons in Mellor Brook, Lancashire

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Mellor Brook / 25 mi
115 of 28 professionals
28 Professionals

Featured Reviews for Stonemasons in Mellor Brook, Lancashire

Decopierre Stone GB
Stonemasons in Mellor Brook, Lancashire
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars1 June 2015
“Great job. Pete made 3 fake stone walls (for 3 different shops) and he will do the new shops as well. Reliable and very professional”
South Planks
Stonemasons in Mellor Brook, Lancashire
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars18 July 2018
“Following my enquiry for some different types of reclaimed timber, I received a prompt reply with different options and detailed coatings. Following a visit to view the different timbers I then placed an order and collected everything a few days later. Very good company to deal with and helpful staff.”
Complete Driveway Designs Ltd
Stonemasons in Mellor Brook, Lancashire
Average rating: 4 out of 5 stars9 July 2017
“Printed concrete drive fitted very professionally and we are very pleased with the finished result. Thank you to Benny and his team”
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