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- Sumptuous Furnishing
Sumptuous Furnishing specialises in upholstery, re-uphostery, curtains/blinds and high quality bespoke made furnit...
Read moreCamberley, Surrey GU16 6JT - Asnew Upholstery
At Asnew, we are all about quality. From the materials used, workmanship and service provided. This means when you...
Read more17 Nuffield Way, Unit 17, Abingdon, Oxfordshire OX141RL - Manor House UpholsteryWakeford Farm,, Tadley,, Hampshire RG26 5QN
- Oxford Upholstery
Oxford Upholstery; Oxford's best Upholsterers. We are experts in our craft, offering top quality workmanship with...
Read moreOxford Upholstery, Unit 2, 4 Gidley Way, Horspath, Oxford, Oxfordshire OX33 1RQ - The Upholstery and Design Studio
Award winning Artist and Upholstery Business working with Private Homes and Commercial Clients, Interior Designer...
Read moreBucks, Buckinghamshire SL1 - The Seating Studio
Upholstery + carpentry studio. We create bespoke furniture and provide re/upholstery and furniture repair services...
Read more18 Wrens Avenue,, ASHFORD, Surrey TW15 1AR - Vintique Upholstery
Following a 20 year career in fashion, I re-trained with the Association of Master Upholsterers and the Cass Art F...
Read moreSunbury-on-Thames, Surrey Tw165jl - Global banking
Separate from the bedroom
London, Surrey 5208 - Divine UpholsteryRayners Lane, london, Greater London HA4
- Sarah Louise Dix57 St Johns Street, Farncombe, Godalming, Surrey GU7 3EH