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- Hot Iron
Hot Iron specialises in the design and production of traditional hand-forged ironwork and bespoke metalwork produc...
Read moreEdenbridge, Kent TN8 6QN - Metal Metro Fabrications
At Metal Metro fabrications we provide bespoke, hand crafted solutions for all aspects of metalwork and fabricatio...
Read moreUnit 15 Horatius Way, Silverwing Trading Estate, Croydon, Surrey CR0 4RU - Angell Welding & Fabrications
Located in South London, we are a professional metal work company specialising in the welding and fabrication of a...
Read moreCroydon, Surrey CR0 0AE - Bronzewood London
We have an eclectic range of furniture designed for the home We are able to help you with decorative railings...
Read more835 Consort Road, London, Greater London SE15 2PR - Castironinteriors
Extensive examples of traditional period Cast Iron Radiators and Cast Iron Baths | London's finest cast iron radia...
Read morelondon, Greater London ss24nt - S&A STEEL SERVICES LTD
S&A Steel Services specialise in custom design and bespoke projects for your business or residential requireme...
Read moreFaversham, Kent ME13 7ty - Creative Ironworks Ltd
Established in 2003 we have gained a reputation as a company that provides a quality service, we pride ourselves o...
Read moreAshford, Kent TN23 5UT - Darenth Valley ForgeLower Austin lodge farm, Upper Austin lodge road, Eynsford, Kent DA4 0HT
- F.H. Brundle
F. H. Brundle is the UK’s largest stockist of wrought iron components, welded wire mesh and expanded and perforate...
Read more24-36 Lamson Road, Ferry Lane North, Rainham, Essex RM13 9YY - DeLaTierraDesigns
We are a small family run business, manufacturing bespoke hand made steel and glass doors and partitions.
Southend on Sea, Essex ss30fn - G George developmentsRM12 6AL