This is an example of a contemporary open plan living room in San Francisco with concrete flooring and a two-sided fireplace.
Klopf Architecture
Klopf Architecture
Average rating: 4.9 out of 5 stars51 ReviewsView Profile

Modern Atrium House

Contemporary Living Room, San Francisco

The owners, inspired by mid-century modern architecture, hired Klopf Architecture to design an Eichler-inspired 21st-Century, energy efficient new home that would replace a dilapidated 1940s home. The home follows the gentle slope of the hillside while the overarching post-and-beam roof above provides an unchanging datum line. The changing moods of nature animate the house because of views through large glass walls at nearly every vantage point. Every square foot of the house remains close to the ground creating and adding to the sense of connection with nature. Klopf Architecture Project Team: John Klopf, AIA, Geoff Campen, Angela Todorova, and Jeff Prose Structural Engineer: Alex Rood, SE, Fulcrum Engineering (now Pivot Engineering) Landscape Designer (atrium): Yoshi Chiba, Chiba's Gardening Landscape Designer (rear lawn): Aldo Sepulveda, Sepulveda Landscaping Contractor: Augie Peccei, Coast to Coast Construction Photography ©2015 Mariko Reed Location: Belmont, CA Year completed: 2015
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