Cabinet Installation Professionals in Northam, Devon

Fitting new cabinets in Northam, Devon for your kitchen or bathroom to modernise and provide useful storage solutions

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Northam / 25 mi
14 of 4 professionals
4 Professionals

Featured Reviews for Cabinet Installation Professionals in Northam, Devon

Samuel Wood Furniture
Cabinet Installation Professionals in Northam, Devon
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars15 January 2017
“My husband & I were thrilled with the exceptional work which was completed on time by Samuel. His craftsmanship & service is second to none. Thank you Sam.”
Max Marshall Design
Cabinet Installation Professionals in Northam, Devon
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars26 October 2016
“We are a jewellery company and needed furniture for our trade shows that we do around the world. Max Marshall made 4 plan chests and 6 tables. They were beautifully made and very hard wearing as they are moved around alot. We would definately use him again and I highly recommend him.”
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