Furniture Selection Professionals in Colchester, Essex

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Colchester / 25 mi
115 of 15 professionals
15 Professionals

Featured Reviews for Furniture Selection Professionals in Colchester, Essex

Priest Brothers
Furniture Selection Professionals in Colchester, Essex
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars18 December 2015
“Dear Brad and colleagues, We just needed to say how much we appreciate your skill, patience, good humour and helpful approach in everything you do in making our new home so comfortable and exciting to live in. All of the furniture items have hit the mark but none more so than the tv unit in our sitting room which stands out and, most definitely, has that WOW factor only to be found as a result of committed endeavour, careful design and dedication to producing quality work. Many of our visitors have rated it as an outstanding piece of which, we hope, you are immensely proud. We live in times when the customer / supplier relationship, too often, falls well short of an acceptable standard but, not only, do you produce quality work, you also remain a pleasure to deal with. Long may you prosper and remain committed to this fine and rare approach to doing business. The attached photographs stand as testimony to your fine efforts. With our kindest personal regards, Sandy and John Jewiss”
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