Furniture Selection Professionals in Rickmansworth, Hertfordshire

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Rickmansworth / 25 mi
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308 Professionals

Featured Reviews for Furniture Selection Professionals in Rickmansworth, Hertfordshire
Furniture Selection Professionals in Rickmansworth, Hertfordshire
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars21 August 2015
“They take personal responsibility in every project to make sure it is successful and delivered in the best possible standard. I really enjoy working with them.”
Sunny Bedrooms and Kitchens
Furniture Selection Professionals in Rickmansworth, Hertfordshire
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars1 October 2018
“Would definitely recommend - second time we’ve worked with Sunny BK for kitchen and wardrobes and we’d have no hesitation to work with the company again. Experienced friendly staff are very conscious and passionate to deliver you the right design and end result.”
Jackdaw Joinery & Furniture Makers
Furniture Selection Professionals in Rickmansworth, Hertfordshire
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars30 November 2021
“I have always loved handmade kitchens, so I got this company to make one of their bespoke kitchen for my London home, and it looks stunning, turly exceptional work, thanks.”
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