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- Rebecca Gillmore
Contemporary furniture wholesalers, selling to the trade and the general public.
GillmoreSPACE, Unit 22, Torbay Business Park, Woodview Road, Paignton, Devon TQ4 7HP - Ron Campion - The Interiors Store
Ron Campion specialise in furniture and home furnishings in Devon including Dining Room Furniture, Sofas for your...
Read more33 - 41 Bolton Street, Brixham, Devon TQ5 9BZ - Blu AveryCornwall, Cornwall Pl18
- Finest Things Devon
We believe that every house is unique and has its own character but to become a home it requires your personality....
Read morePlymouth, Devon PL9 8SA - Dazzle Vintage Furniture
Dazzle Vintage Furniture specialises in sourcing and selling authentic French armoires and antique mirrors. We buy...
Read morePlymouth, Devon PL1 3NY - Annterior
Beautiful antique selections Antique and vintage furniture and lighting in a range of styles At Annterior, we ar...
Read morePlymouth, Devon PL1 5LZ - Gillmore British Design
Gillmore is a British brand specialising in contemporary furniture design and manufacture. With over twenty years...
Read moreUnit 22, Torbay Business Park, Woodview Road, Paignton, Devon TQ4 7HP - Mercury All Supplies Ltd17 Audley Avenue, Torquay, Devon TQ27PB
- homeofficechairs
This particular organisation is for all of the home office products starting from the ergonomic office chairs, ele...
Read morePaignton, Devon TQ1 - Broadbase Furniture SolutionsUnit 1, Doctors Garden, Higher Union Road, Kingsbridge, Devon TQ7 1EQ
- sunfun佛山, Devon 114000