Kitchen Design Professionals in Lichfield, Staffordshire

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Featured Reviews for Kitchen Design Professionals in Lichfield, Staffordshire

Classic Interiors
Kitchen Design Professionals in Lichfield, Staffordshire
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars21 September 2016
“Thank you so much for our fantastic kitchen!! Nick - we could never have done it without you. Everything about our project went to plan.”
Ian Philliskirk
Kitchen Design Professionals in Lichfield, Staffordshire
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars19 February 2015
“There was so many options in terms of kitchen suppliers, all said they could do this or that, so it was hard to see the wood for the trees. But when we finally made our choice, it was naturally influenced by cost, however this isn't an everyday purchase for us and really wanted someone to project manage the process. Being kept informed at every stage of the build proved priceless. There were no surprises in terms of hidden costs, the kitchen was fitted on time and to the highest quality. Delighted to recommend Ian and Provencale.”
Room by Room (Midlands) Ltd
Kitchen Design Professionals in Lichfield, Staffordshire
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars19 August 2016
“Steve Mills from Room by Room visited the site everyday to check on progress which was reassuring. The fitters were very professional. All specialists turned up on time. Any concerns were sorted out quickly. I was thrilled with the result. I would not hesitate to recommend Room by Room.”
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