Gazebo Design & Construction Professionals in Gravesend, Kent

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Gravesend / 25 mi
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Featured Reviews for Gazebo Design & Construction Professionals in Gravesend, Kent

Oliver Burgess Garden Design
Gazebo Design & Construction Professionals in Gravesend, Kent
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars4 February 2022
“Ollie was great to work with. He spent time with us chatting about what we liked and what we hated! He then took that away and came up with some brilliant plans. He explained why he had chosen each plant and how they would work together. We’re really happy with the end result and can’t wait until everything comes into flower. Would definitely recommend Ollie.”
Harrington Porter
Gazebo Design & Construction Professionals in Gravesend, Kent
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars23 June 2017
“Fantastic company to deal with, always professional and polite. Communication is spot on. Their gardens are always if the highest quality.”
Gazebo Design & Construction Professionals in Gravesend, Kent
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars26 August 2014
“I can't thank Debbie enough for her services regarding my interiors project. She isextremetly knowledgeable and gave me helpful recommendations. She was prompt in her dealings with me and provided excellent advice and support.”
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