Landscape Architects and Garden Designers in Stalybridge, Greater Manchester

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124 Professionals

Featured Reviews for Landscape Architects and Garden Designers in Stalybridge, Greater Manchester

Charlesworth Design
Landscape Architects and Garden Designers in Stalybridge, Greater Manchester
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars6 October 2014
“Robert redesigned the whole of our garden. He took time to understand what we wanted then provided us with a number of a different options so that we can articulate what best suited our requirements. The plot is not a straightforward plot and required creativity of design. After the design was crystallising he then helped us select the right contractor to deliver the scheme. The works were extensive and we were very pleased with the outcome at the time and continue to be so as time has pased and the garden has matured and evolved. Additionally, Robert is really eay to get on with and does not impose his ideas but, instead, works with you to realise your own. Colleagues of mine have also used Robert's services. The end result looks completely different from our garden so it is clear that Robert does provide all his clients with an unique and bespoke service.”
Robert Hughes Studio Ltd
Landscape Architects and Garden Designers in Stalybridge, Greater Manchester
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars24 March 2015
“My husband and I cannot praise Rob and his team high enough. The pictures on this website of the 'Barry garden' are ours. He has since also redesigned our front garden which is also absolutely gorgeous. Extremely friendly, reliable and trustworthy (we left them to do the front with keys to our house whilst on holiday). Thanks Rob, Will and Mark.”
Barnes Walker Ltd - Landscape Architects
Landscape Architects and Garden Designers in Stalybridge, Greater Manchester
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars8 August 2014
“As part of a turn key solution to residential home building, The Design Practice by UBER like to work with trusted and highly regarded specialists. Barnes Walker are our Landscape Architects of choice which is why they form part of a collective Team UBER. Their creative vision and exceptional attention to detail throughout thousands of extremely well executed landscape projects makes them our first choice for external reference design and execution as they have enhanced many of our award-winning projects.”
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