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- Lumenata Lighting Design
At Lumenata Lighting Design, we are passionate about exceptional lighting design as it touches every aspect of our...
Read moreUnit 24 Dollywagon Way, Preston, Lancashire PR5 6EW - Indoor Lights
Indoor Lights was founded by a group of passionate lighting enthusiasts with years of experience in the industry....
Read moreShelley Rd,Ashton-on-Ribble, Preston, Londonderry PR2 2ZH
2 Professionals
Featured Reviews for Swimming Pool Lighting Professionals in Blackpool, Lancashire
Lumenata Lighting Design
Swimming Pool Lighting Professionals in Blackpool, Lancashire
“As an interior designer, l value lighting as key to a great design and the perfect ambiance. Lumenata Lighting Design are very knowledgeable and passionate when it comes to all things lighting! They are always willing to help and have a rich collection of stunning lighting fixtures that are unique and can't be found on the high-street. Would highly recommend working with Lumanata Lighting Design, no matter the size of the project.”
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