Railing Installation Professionals in Bradford, West Yorkshire

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Bradford / 25 mi
16 of 6 professionals
6 Professionals

Featured Reviews for Railing Installation Professionals in Bradford, West Yorkshire

Binks Balustrades
Railing Installation Professionals in Bradford, West Yorkshire
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars16 October 2020
“First class workmanship by professional polite and friendly tradesmen. Highly recommended.”
Bradfabs Ltd
Railing Installation Professionals in Bradford, West Yorkshire
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars27 May 2016
“We ordered a bespoke balcony and asked for a special order for glass n flooring which Bradfabs delivered without problems. Product great quality. They matched our colour requirements as well what more can you ask for. All Staff dealt with were efficient and polite We would definitely recommend them. On time and within budget. Thanks again”
Handrails of Distinction
Railing Installation Professionals in Bradford, West Yorkshire
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars20 July 2016
“Charles Crowson has an eye for design and detail. He helped us construct a "statement" staircase which is an amazing centre-piece to the house. He has opened up a niche market for Corian handrails to stairways. We did much research to find the most practical and attractive material. Corian is completely adaptable (even reversible!) and we chose a finish that can best be described as 'faux' marble. We had explored a solution with wood but with a one-off spiral staircase, it was no contest to use a solution made on site by Charles Crowson Handrails Of Distinction. he worked well with the other trades and was both to time and within budget. I have no hesitation in recommending www.handrailsofdistinction.co.uk”
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