Stonemasons in Speldhurst, Kent

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Speldhurst / 25 mi
115 of 55 professionals
55 Professionals

Featured Reviews for Stonemasons in Speldhurst, Kent

Diespeker Terrazzo & Marble
Stonemasons in Speldhurst, Kent
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars10 November 2018
“Nous venons de commander 40m2 de Terrazzo pour un entrée dans le 17e arrondissement de Paris, nous avons reçu le plaque en 10 jours et nous en sommes très satisfaits.”
CED Stone Group
Stonemasons in Speldhurst, Kent
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars1 May 2020
“I worked with CED on a show garden using the Italian porphyry setts, CEDEC footpath gravel and polished pebbles in my design. I experienced excellent customer service and found the team to be incredibly helpful and efficient. Would highly recommend!”
Stonemasons in Speldhurst, Kent
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars23 January 2018
“We have worked with GDStones on a number of projects and each time they have provided excellent customer service as well as fantastic stone installations. The end result is always outstanding. The choice of natural stones is extensive and the quality of the product is very good. The installations team is also very good and work to a very high standard. Its always a joy working with the team at GDStones.”
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