Arborists and Tree Surgeons in Lichfield, Staffordshire

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Lichfield / 25 mi
115 of 36 professionals
36 Professionals

Featured Reviews for Arborists and Tree Surgeons in Lichfield, Staffordshire

Tonks Brothers Tree Services
Arborists and Tree Surgeons in Lichfield, Staffordshire
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars10 November 2017
“We have used the services of this company for the past sixteen years and have always been impressed with their very high professional standards and commitment to customer satisfaction. They are fully insured and an approved contractor with Arboricultural Association and are accredited under the Trademark Scheme, CHAS, SSIP ans SMAS. All of the staff of this local family run company are qualified and certified under the relevant trade bodies and hold CSCS safety cards. The staff are friendly, professional and take a pride in their work. The company have a good working relationship with TPO's and other statutory agents that may be involved in this kind of work. They provide a first rate, localised service.”
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