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- BexSimon Ltd
Bex Simon is an Artist Blacksmith and designer, creating unique and imaginative metal artworks for private and pub...
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Anvil Metalworks is a small family run business creating bespoke quality gates, railings and associated metal work...
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ASH VALE WROUGHT IRON Is a family run, mild steel fabrication business. We specialise in architectural metal work,...
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Traditional & Contemporary Metalwork & Artistic Blacksmithing. Friendly Reliable Service. Commissions &...
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We are specialists in ornamental & architectural metalwork with over 65 years experience. Our products are all...
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We are Architectural and Structural Metalworkers with a wealth of knowledge and experience. Established since 199...
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Welcome to Leadbetter & Sons bespoke metal work and fabrication. A family based business with over 50 years ex...
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Red Hot Metal is a creator of unique and bespoke metal work, using traditional skills of a Blacksmith that have be...
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- dlo hairdressingGuildford, Surrey
- the blacksmith shopcrawley, West Sussex rh110le
- T L Engineering Services LtdWashington, West Sussex Rh20 3de