
Renewable Heating advise....confused

7 years ago
We are self building on a Scottish island and had intended on having the following for UFH heating and hot water
Back boiler multi fuel stove ( high output to hot water , low output to room)..we have a never ending wood supply.
Back up secondary heat source .. oil boiler ( no gas here)
Solar thermal panels for summer hot water.

But it won't pass SAPS. We are being told we need to have PV panels. We have a south facing roof which is at a 30 degree angle but has lots of velux so there may not be enough room.

I think an air source heat pump would allow us to pass easily but we live on an island where it seems impossible to get them serviced or seen to if they break down. I'm sure this will change over time but at the moment it's an issue.

Does anyone have any advice or experience of PV , solar or air source? We seem to be going around in huge circles.

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United Kingdom
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