
Hotel Reception Ideas

2 months ago

Hi there, I am wondering this is an empty hotel reception. The carpet is uploaded. I want it to look nice bright and welcoming. The carpet is the main feature. What colours would I do the walls? Any ideas? One solid colour or have have a combination colour? Thanks in advance 😊

Comments (49)

  • 2 months ago

    I think you should consider the style of the bedrooms and be consistent in reception. Can you post a picture of a bedroom?

  • 2 months ago

    Bedroom is a cream on the walls with a feature wall of this brown shade. The carpet in the bedrooms will be in the picture provided. I wanted the reception to not be too brown themed and to make it slightly different in reception and landing. Thank you for your comment

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    Thank you for details. In general, location of areas is chosen fine, especially if you want to keep dining and kitchen separately. Although I will have couple of suggestions for you. I would consider more space for your dining/kitchen area. Make it wider and add at least 1m-1,5 m. You have double doors to the garden but you don't leave enough room to walk around table. It can be a nightmare to move chairs if you need to pass, even simply for the reason to open or close windows with curtains or blinds. Looking at lounge areas: two large sofas will look bulky, especially in the area, which you plan to keep neat and clean. It means it should be as functional (when you need it to be) as to be out of your way when you live your life. From here, I will recommend to choose corner sofa for your sitting room and a large footstool. It will allow you to have open look on interior and area will look larger, welcoming and you will have more seats for family hours.If you like armchairs, then have a look at next layout Second area doesn't need large sofa. A set of chairs will look much better and will be more functional. Therefore, you don't need any special dividers between two areas because they will look as two separate complete areas and you will not miss such fact :) If you wonder to place doors or special separation to kitchen + dining area, there are many esthetic options I hope it will help you :) Don't hesitate to ask more. Good luck! Alena
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  • 2 months ago
    last modified: 2 months ago

    The reason I was asking about the bedrooms was to try and find a theme. I think you should try to mimic the room colours but perhaps make it look more decorated with wallpaper or art. Is there a bar in there too? If so I think you should get professiknal help with lighting and furniture as the bar could increase your income dramatically

  • 2 months ago

    Do you already have an idea about furniture and a reception desk? You cannot choose a wall colour randomly, it all has to work together. What about mirrors and lighting? I think you might need a bright or at least a deep colour in there to add some character. Wallpaper is another good option. Post a pic of what you want to include in reception.

  • 2 months ago

    Wallpaper I stripped off as I think it looks dated. Yes a bar area too. What is progessional gel?

    No idea about furniture. There is already a reception desk there. Lighting are spotlights with a warm yellow light. I have a chandelier led one coming for the middle of the reception which will also be a statement piece. It is only a 3 star hotel. I will post a picture of what Ideas I have so far. Thank you guys

  • PRO
    2 months ago

    I think you are going this the wrong way around.

    do you have some inspirational images of what you want your hotel to be, and feel like?

    Who is your customer, and where are you located?

    I strongly suggest that you get that sorted first. Ether by looking at hotel room ideas on Pinterest or hotel and B&B receptions online.

    Don't think that you need to copy every detail, but it gives you ideas on materials, and colour palettes styles ( modern, contemporary, traditional,, beachy, rustic, biophilic, ....)

    Once you have that, then it's easier to design the areas so everything is cohesive.

    and I wouldn't consider that carpet "the room feature" but I think it can work with various design options without the need to be replaced.

    Alternatively, you can hire an interior designer to help you with that.

  • PRO
    2 months ago

    Hi Sim, perhaps you can share some ideas with us? Choosing a wall colour based on just a carpet is the wrong way to go. You want everything to flow and have purpose, and the choice of furniture is just as important.

  • PRO
    2 months ago
    last modified: 2 months ago

    Here are some examples of nice hotel rooms that might inspire you.

    And what customers look for in 2024. With soo many airbnb, B&B and boutique hotels you have to have beautiful comfy rooms to attract customers.

  • 2 months ago

    I’m sorry but your chosen carpet is awful. I would choose a wood type flooring, maybe with rugs if there are lounging areas. Easy to keep clean and will have a modern theme. I wouldn’t go brown either, done well it can look amazing, but done badly will not attract customers. Ive stayed in a beautiful hotel in Southwold a while ago (The Swan Hotel). Every room was beautifully decorated. Some rooms were colourful and some were subtle. The decor and the fantastic service is what keeps me going back, plus the location of course!

    First picture is part of the lounge.

  • 2 months ago

    This is a 5* hotel, but the decor is easily copied on a tighter budget. Paint is cheap!

  • 2 months ago

    Thank you for your comments I will update with pictures shortly. I can take criticism but may I just include this is my first project I’ve dealt with. And as any new project you make mistakes along the way. The carpet may not be a first 10/10 pick but I’ve picked it and ordered it now and there’s no going back. Furniture wise again unsure as what used to be here were purple sofas. It’s a very old hotel and has been closed for years. This is why I have come onto this app for help. Willing to pay for advice as I know things don’t come for free. I have attached some pictures of what the layout used to be like before and maybe you can get a jist of why I wanted to strip it all down and make it look a bit better. Thank you

  • 2 months ago

    Thank you for your comments I will update with pictures shortly. I can take criticism but may I just include this is my first project I’ve dealt with. And as any new project you make mistakes along the way. The carpet may not be a first 10/10 pick but I’ve picked it and ordered it now and there’s no going back. Furniture wise again unsure as what used to be here were purple sofas. It’s a very old hotel and has been closed for years. This is why I have come onto this app for help. Willing to pay for advice as I know things don’t come for free. I have attached some pictures of what the hotel reception used to look like before and maybe it can give you all an idea as to why I wanted to change it as it looks very dated and old. I wanted to spruce it up a tad! I have also attached a picture of the light that will be hanging from the middle of the reception along with spot lights around the edges of the reception.

  • 2 months ago

    Light is fantastic so that could be your inspiration. You may still be able to cancel the carpet order so worth looking at the company’s cancellation policy. You may charged a cancellation fee. I rather liked the original carpet. There are several interior designers on Houzz under Professionals if you decide to get help.

  • 2 months ago

    Piur has said what I intended to say but without autocorrect changing the words professional advice. By asking for a bedroom picture I was trying to establish a bit more about your market and the planned feel for the hotel. From this thread I don’t feel like that has been stated- it’s unclear if this hotel is catering for families on holiday, business travellers or any one of many niche. And it’s important to know your market- if your patrons are travelling manual workers then this area needs a small reception desk, a large bar with a sports subscription and tables not sofas to serve burgers. If your clientele are older they might prefer a more sumptuous decorating style than the clean modern style you envisage and business travellers have the pick of large corporate hotels so you need to decide how you get them to stay with you- likely price won’t be the influence you need perhaps to feel more homely.

    Consider getting the expert opinion of a business manager about your target market and then recruiting a designer to help maximise this income producing area if for no other reason that these are the principal pictures you will use for marketing and first impression pics tend to be the ones that travellers post online.

  • 2 months ago


    This hotel used to be more catered to older folk coming past as a half way stop point to get to their destination. Coaches used to come and park and old folk used to stay in this hotel. It is in a village type country side. It is only located near to village shops. There is another few hotels 5 or so miles up. Since the company went into administration during Covid it has been closed. I just want to tidy it up first as I do not want to spend extortion amounts of money on a project which I am unsure will give me the revenue back. It is a trial and error. I wanted to touch it up and be basic with it to know who my clientele will be after such a long period of being closed. We are based in Gloucestershire which is located near to Cheltenham/Bristol/Bath all tourist type areas and I’m presuming will be very busy during peak times in summer. I want to build a repor with customers when open to then know what my market will be. It’s all fair and well hiring a business manager when the business has been closed for years if that makes sense. This will just be like a complete new start. Hotels must be making some sort of money as there’s a couple located along the same road as this one. We have ample parking the space is so big. It’s about finding the right people to help me along the way. Ask me anything about cooking and cleaning! 😂 I will have a look under the professionals tab and see if I can get further help. I do appreciate everyone’s feedback.

    In regards to do I have a rough image of how I want the hotel reception to be? Yes and no. You see so many ideas on Pinterest where do you stop?! I have gone waaaaaay over budget. Do I re upholster the furniture I have or should I just buy new?

  • 2 months ago

    Sorry unsure as to why the pictures posted again! Apologies

  • 2 months ago

    If you are over budget you cancel the new carpet get the old one cleaned and work with that. Get the existing furniture cleaned and then decorate around what you have.

    Separately I imagined the hotel was abroad but since it’s in an area lots of us know and you want it to be a commercial success you should also use this forum to tell people exactly where it is….. and those of us who lived in Cheltenham for decades will will likely have some insight about your clientele

  • 2 months ago

    The hotel is called The Prince Of Wales Hotel in Berkeley, Gloucestershire.

    Unfortunately the carpets cannot be refunded. The old carpet is not good, it’s been in here so many years since it was built I think. It’s faded, even more dirty now since everywhere has been plastered etc. I’m trying to think of the hotel as somewhere homely, welcoming and cosy. Not your typical hotel. I want to build the clientele. Support local farms by buying produce from there etc. Thank you

  • 2 months ago

    Hi Sim, just wanted to say Good luck in your new venture! Let Jonathan guide you. He’s the best. I haven't stayed in that hotel but the area is beautiful. @Sonia I used to stayed at the one in Southwold many years ago before their refurb when we visited family in Lowestoft.

  • 2 months ago

    @robert thank you Robert for your kind words.

  • 2 months ago

    @Jonathon would be great to discuss further.

  • 2 months ago

    I think we should arrange a coach trip over to The Prince of Wales and help design a room each! So many exciting possibilities.

  • 2 months ago

    @Sonia most welcome anytime! I will get the tea and biscuits ready!

  • 2 months ago

    I also think this is a great hotel and wish you every success. I suspect your research will conclude that in a rural area your clientele will actually be older and that means you need to add some pattern and warm colours to your scheme. I don’t imagine there will be many Corporate travellers as most will prefer to stay in Bristol- that being said some of Gloucestershires largest businesses are based in Stonehouse which is only one junction up the Motorway. So you should target them.

    However I suspect your success will be by getting income from more than just your bedrooms. I suspect you need a great Restaurant offering for the locals, you need to get the residents of local caravan parks eating in too. You probably need to build associations with walking groups, ornithological groups, cyclists- if you just need a bike store to get lots of cyclists staying then you need to know….

    You likely have opportunity to use one of your meeting rooms for council meetings, you could try to encourage local groups to have their events there too- how great would it be to be considered as the venue for the local New Mums to meet, the knitting club, a once a week Pilates class, a venue for a regular charity social event for the elderly, for the local dentist to run a session on cosmetic Dentistry, how great would it be if you were the go to venue after a WI meeting or the Girl Guides. Could you start a club to watch movies? Could you rent out space for the local taxi company to set up an office? Does the local GP need a venue for a once a week surgery? Could you become a vaccination venue?

    There are lots of things you can do to increase your income, and some of the activities are just about helping people know you are there. With this in mind you also need an aggressive email strategy to gain quick and positive reviews from your first few guests so that you can build your reputation.

  • 2 months ago

    The best free advice here ever from Jonathan and Sonia. You also need to think about spending enough to attract clientele. Speculate to accumulate. Go all in or don't even start. I am not suggesting crazy spending but research is free and maybe a few hours with an interior designer to formulate a plan, recommended sourcing and maybe trade discounts are worth considering. It isn't just a house. You could waste your entire investment if you get it wrong. I'm afraid I totally agree with Sonia on the choice of carpet. I understand the need for hardwearing and pattern but not that one. Off to The Swan now as it looks fantastic.

  • 2 months ago

    This is also a three star hotel. It's stunning I've stayed there. Just to give you some ideas. It suits all ages not a target market.

  • 2 months ago

    I’m surprised about peoples reaction to the carpet. But if you consistently get feedback you can’t ignore it. So with this in mind you should approach the supplier to see if you can switch to an alternative. You will have to roll with it if you can’t change the order but be persistent- sometimes people say something can’t be done just because they don’t want the extra work.

  • 2 months ago

    Personally I don’t mind this carpet for the reception. Whilst I think it is serviceable and will work with lots of decorating schemes I think it’s overall brown feel is inconsistent with what you were saying about having a modern and light feel. Personally I think the original carpet was probably a better choice for the look you were going for.

    And I have seen the grottiest carpets brought back to life by professional cleaning so would seriously consider seeing if the original can be revived. Perhaps you should hire a cleaner and try?

  • 2 months ago

    And I’m not keen on this- I understand it’s pattern is forgiving but I think guests have become suspicious of that preferring a lighter carpet and a feeling of cleanliness.

  • 2 months ago

    Thank you for your in depth comments Jonathon. It is truly appreciated. Unfortunately with the carpet I am unable to change. With the reception and the rooms. So it will have to stay. Either way I am very confident that this hotel will look immediately better from what it was. I have to go with the carpet I have already purchased now. Noted for next time though! Thank you.

    I have arranged to have a call with an interior designer to give some advice too. Hopefully things will get sorted. Are you local to the hotel Jonathon?

  • 2 months ago

    Just had an idea! How about laying large jute/hessian rugs on top of the carpet in strategic places to calm everything down?

  • 2 months ago

    Sim- I moved away 10 years ago I now live in Leeds but I know Dursley and Sharpness and Berkeley very well.

  • 2 months ago

    Are we sure Jonathan isn’t Lord Sugar in disguise? P.S. the idea of rugs in reception isn’t a good idea, it trips up the zimmer frames!

  • 2 months ago

    Eileen- You’re Fired

  • 2 months ago

    Oh No…. And here is me thinking I’d get through on my looks, oh well back to the drawing board.

  • 2 months ago

    Eileen you may be right about tripping over rugs. My living room rug had puckered a bit like they do and I went flying landing on my poor old knees………where’s the Zimmerman frame? 😊

  • 2 months ago

    I know I’m not an AI, but am now wondering which one of Krle-15 or SIM.R is….odd how both have identical problems re smoke house/restaurant, so sad.

  • 2 months ago

    Eileen- I think both of these posts are real. I think if you smell an AI you should be speculating about one of the professional designers who leaves a generic comment on every post and never posts a picture. I think they are real but they have purchased a service to create noise.

  • 2 months ago

    Very nice. Is that your original carpet choice?

  • 2 months ago

    Is that a drawing?

  • 2 months ago

    @sonia Hi Sonia yes it is the original carpet choice taken from a sample put into a design.
    @Eileen yes it’s a 3d design

  • 2 months ago

    Looks lovely. I would stay there! 😊

  • 2 months ago

    Thank you for your comment Sonia. I’m thankful for everyone’s comments and having found someone on this platform to help design the reception area space. There’s so many colours etc to choose from. Will post after this.

  • 2 months ago

    What do you guys think?

  • 2 months ago

    Very posh! Could stretch to 4* if the rooms are as nice…….

  • 2 months ago

    I thinks it’s very nice- I particularly like the addition of the green sofa.
    If budget is tight you could likely get away with fewer sofas adding more later

  • 2 months ago

    Particularly like the addition of lamps to the space. The soft glow of lamp light will be inviting to attend reception and the seating area, when viewed from the entry doors so make sure they are on!

  • 2 months ago

    Looks good, not sure about the carpet, will play havoc with old folks bifocals!

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