Medium sized scandi formal open plan living room in Austin with white walls, light hardwood flooring, no fireplace and no tv.
Breathe Design Studio
Breathe Design Studio
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Mueller Modern Scandinavian Farmhouse | Featured On Dwell

Scandinavian Living Room, Austin

Completed in 2015, this project incorporates a Scandinavian vibe to enhance the modern architecture and farmhouse details. The vision was to create a balanced and consistent design to reflect clean lines and subtle rustic details, which creates a calm sanctuary. The whole home is not based on a design aesthetic, but rather how someone wants to feel in a space, specifically the feeling of being cozy, calm, and clean. This home is an interpretation of modern design without focusing on one specific genre; it boasts a midcentury master bedroom, stark and minimal bathrooms, an office that doubles as a music den, and modern open concept on the first floor. It’s the winner of the 2017 design award from the Austin Chapter of the American Institute of Architects and has been on the Tribeza Home Tour; in addition to being published in numerous magazines such as on the cover of Austin Home as well as Dwell Magazine, the cover of Seasonal Living Magazine, Tribeza, Rue Daily, HGTV, Hunker Home, and other international publications. Featured on Dwell!
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