Site Planning Professionals in Birmingham, West Midlands

Developing a comprehensive plan for your construction project, ensuring an efficient process

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Birmingham / 25 mi
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60 Professionals

Featured Reviews for Site Planning Professionals in Birmingham, West Midlands

Go Plans
Site Planning Professionals in Birmingham, West Midlands
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars31 December 2022
“Our experience with Go plans has been excellent. They arranged a home visit at very short notice, listened to our suggestions and compiled the initial drawings relatively quickly. They also successfully handled the whole planning permission process for us and provided a very fast and professional response to the requests and changes requested by the planning officer. We would definitely use them again for future work.”
DC Architectural Design
Site Planning Professionals in Birmingham, West Midlands
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars21 April 2017
“DC Architectural Designs were patient, thorough & extremely helpful while designing a two storey extension & facelift to our 1960's Dormer Bungalow. Daniel dealt with planning & building control as well as offering guidance on how to change a fairly ugly house into one we will be proud to live in.”
Thomas Studio
Site Planning Professionals in Birmingham, West Midlands
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars15 April 2018
“Architect Garry Thomas provided an excellent service and did a great job designing our new house and getting it through the planning system. At the time he was working with another practice, and when he set up his own practice we had no hesitation to move with him as we were very happy with the services he provided. We would not have secured our planning permission without his determination, expertise and ability to present an overwhelming case to the planning department and planning committee. The end result exceeded our expectations. Garry always goes that extra mile to obtain the results required and expected of his clients. He is very easy to work with- very professional, creative and assisting of our needs. It has been a real pleasure working with him and we look forward to continuing to use Garry's services over the years to come.”
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