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About Us

Garden and Landscape Design in Bracknell, Berkshire. Designing contemporary gardens of all sizes throughout the South East of England. Specialists in designing sloping gardens. Years of experience in working with steep sites. Chic gardens with clean lines and elegant planting schemes.

Services Provided

3D Rendering, Bespoke Water Features, Decking Design, Drafting, Edible Gardens, Fence Installation, Garden Design, Garden Plans, Gazebo Design & Construction, Greenhouse Design & Installation, Hardscaping, Landscape Construction, Masonry, Patio Design, Project Management, Roof Decking Installation, Shed Design & Building, Site Planning, Swimming Pool Construction, Swimming Pool Design, Trellis Construction, Planting Design, Lighting Design, Planting, Construction Detail Design

Areas Served



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Business Details

Business Name

Linsey Evans Garden Design

Phone Number

07901 852731


9 Dundas Close
Bracknell, Berkshire RG127BX
United Kingdom

Typical Job Cost

£20,000 - £500,000


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Contact Linsey Evans Garden Design
United Kingdom
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