Landscape Gardeners in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire

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Cheltenham / 25 mi
115 of 34 professionals
34 Professionals

Featured Reviews for Landscape Gardeners in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire

The Gloucestershire Gardener
Landscape Gardeners in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars28 February 2018
“Tom is a top professional. His plant knowledge and attention to detail are greater than any other landscaping business I've employed. He was completely committed to our project and made sure it was completed without fuss, despite the many challenges.”
Monet Building and Landscaping
Landscape Gardeners in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars5 June 2018
“Monet Building and Landscaping completely transformed my little garden into something wonderful! I recommend them without reservation. Giles is very creative and I was confident to give him free rein with the design. I had suggested adding an area of grass to the existing patio and pergola, but he came up with a sunken seating area, water feature, stone arch, opening fence panels allowing a view of the bordering stream and a new curved pergola - far more exciting! This was all completed professionally and to an excellent standard, and has resulted in a beautiful and really magical space. Giles and his young assistant Ollie are personable, polite and completely trustworthy. They do take a lot of sugar in their tea though, so stock up!”
Hortis Landscapes
Landscape Gardeners in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars16 January 2020
“We first used Hortis Landscapes to put in a long fence along the edge of the garden. Nic achieved this with great efficiency and care for my lawn! Just as importantly it needed to be strong against SW winds coming down our valley and I am happy to say, 2 years later it is still as immaculate as when it was first erected. He then went on to create raised beds for my rose garden and reshape some of our Cotswold walling. Last year in 2019 NIc returned to lay down two sigifiicantly sized patios. The semi circle designed stone and tile work looks brilliant and HL were very helpful both with the design and professionalism of laying tiles, drainage and other issues that I had not thought of! It's not often you can hire a company who is as reliable and can offer both design and construction within a sensible budget. This year it's on to enhancements to our drive area!”
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