Staircase Specialists in Chellaston, Derbyshire

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Chellaston / 25 mi
115 of 54 professionals
54 Professionals

Featured Reviews for Staircase Specialists in Chellaston, Derbyshire

Elysion Ltd
Staircase Specialists in Chellaston, Derbyshire
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars1 April 2017
“As a builder I have used elysion on several projects. They are very competitive, the quality and service are excellent and always prepared to go the extra mile.”
Volarus Special Projects Limited
Staircase Specialists in Chellaston, Derbyshire
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars28 February 2017
“Paul has helped me design and install a walkway and glass balustrade. It was a challenging job as a listed property and no straight walls! but I found Paul's experience invaluable and his attention to detail and passion for what he does [and his team ] shine through.”
The Foxwood Landscape Co.
Staircase Specialists in Chellaston, Derbyshire
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars29 March 2021
“Will was a great worker. He took up and relaid some paving that we needed to put a new shed on. The work was very physical, but he did a great job. We noticed he was constantly checking to see if the paving was level and if he wasn’t satisfied he relaid it again. The proof is in the pudding - once the shed was placed there, there was no movement at all! Very happy customer. We would highly recommend. Thank you Will”
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