Tilers, Stone & Worktops in Winsford, Cheshire

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Featured Reviews for Tilers, Stone & Worktops in Winsford, Cheshire

Elite Kitchens Manchester
Tilers, Stone & Worktops in Winsford, Cheshire
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars21 October 2014
“Elite Kitchens..a name that not only sounds like its taken at least three seconds to create but is cheesier than a big lump of Red Leicester . Not just that, the title by definition leaves the owner Paul O'Brien a lot to live up to. Now when people are looking to spend money on their kitchen there are a couple of facts we need to consider. First of all the kitchen is the most used room in the house. Its not only a room, its a place of work and a place for social gathering..so there's no point in penny pinching . In a world overflowing with cliches heres one that relates to Paul "You only get what you pay for......I'll warn you here...Elite are not cheap... BUT his work is top drawer ...if you want a beutifull ,bespoke, robust, functional and long lasting kitchen then contact Paul”
JDC Design & Installation
Tilers, Stone & Worktops in Winsford, Cheshire
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars4 November 2014
“Our experience of our bathroom installation with JDC Ceramics proved to be of the highest standard of quality and workmanship All aspects from the initial consultation through to the completation was in our opinion excellant and would not hesitate to recommend Jeff, Jennie and the team”
NG Bathrooms
Tilers, Stone & Worktops in Winsford, Cheshire
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars28 February 2018
“Really professional. The fact he treated my house as if it was his own makes his work stand out. I expected him to do a good job before I hired him but the fact he placed plastic protection over every surface was good to see Would recommend using Nick to anyone.”
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