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About Us

Outerspace create fantastic gardens and outdoor spaces in Bristol, North Somerset and the surrounding area, using responsive design, skilled construction and expert planting. We offer fully comprehensive fixed fee design packages to suit most projects and budgets. Our own in-house team build what we design and the close correlation between design and build runs right through the project from conception to completion.

Services Provided

Bespoke Water Features, Decking Design, Drafting, Fence Installation, Garden Design, Garden Plans, Gazebo Design & Construction, Hardscaping, Patio Design, Shed Design & Building, Site Planning, Planting Design

Areas Served

Bristol, North Somerset


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Business Details

Business Name

Outerspace Creative Landscaping

Phone Number

01275 870701


Bristol, Bristol BS21 7TJ
United Kingdom

Typical Job Cost

£15,000 - £150,000


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24 Ideabooks

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Contact Outerspace Creative Landscaping
United Kingdom
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