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- Design Fabrications Ltd
- Bespoke Metalwork Specialists - High-end Staircase Fabrication. - Domestic and Commercial We specialise i...
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CyberBoy Ltd. is a subsidiary of Cyber Boy Corp. and is responsible for manufacturing and distributing CyberBoy me...
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3 Professionals
Featured Reviews for Railing Installation Professionals in Red Lodge, Suffolk
Design Fabrications Ltd
Railing Installation Professionals in Red Lodge, Suffolk
“Designed and built a bespoke steel and glass zigzag staircase for my North London Maisonette.
Is now the centerpiece to the open plan area and a better result than could ever have been designed in wood, which was the original plan.
Company were a pleasure to deal with and very professional.
You felt they were constructing something for their own home, such was the care and attention to detail.
Will definitely be using Essex Design for my new terrace/stairs in the spring of 2013.
Thank you.”
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