Industrial Hallway Ideas and Designs
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Front Foyer
Inspiration for an urban hallway in Chicago with black walls and a feature wall.
Inspiration for an urban hallway in Chicago with black walls and a feature wall.

George Mendel
Large urban hallway in Other with red walls, slate flooring, a single front door and a red front door.
Large urban hallway in Other with red walls, slate flooring, a single front door and a red front door.

Large industrial hallway in Tokyo with grey walls, ceramic flooring, a single front door, a medium wood front door and grey floors.

玄関部 広い土間空間の玄関。趣味のスペース、時には自電車のメンテナンススペース。多目的に利用していただいております。
Photo of an urban hallway in Other with grey walls, concrete flooring, a single front door, a black front door and grey floors.
Photo of an urban hallway in Other with grey walls, concrete flooring, a single front door, a black front door and grey floors.

Carter Bird
Design ideas for an industrial hallway in New York with white walls, light hardwood flooring, a single front door and a white front door.
Design ideas for an industrial hallway in New York with white walls, light hardwood flooring, a single front door and a white front door.

This little gem in Portland’s Pearl District needed some defined living areas, without sacrificing the natural light from the windows along the far wall.
These windows are the only source of natural light here. With the dreary, gray Portland winters, we needed to do everything we could to leverage the light.

Прихожая в стиле лофт с ретро-элементами в стиле оформления. . Современное трековое освещение. Каркасная мебель.
Photo of a large industrial hallway in Moscow with medium hardwood flooring, brown floors, grey walls, a single front door, a grey front door, brick walls and feature lighting.
Photo of a large industrial hallway in Moscow with medium hardwood flooring, brown floors, grey walls, a single front door, a grey front door, brick walls and feature lighting.

Качественные материалы и правильная обработка древесины позволяют пользоваться такой мебелью не одно десятилетие. Обработка дерева тонирующими маслами позволяют делать сосну темнее, ярче или эффектно выделять природный цвет. Древесина устойчива к воздействию влаги и механическим повреждениям

Отражения, линии , пропорции- это дизайн
Small industrial hallway in Novosibirsk with porcelain flooring, grey floors and multi-coloured walls.
Small industrial hallway in Novosibirsk with porcelain flooring, grey floors and multi-coloured walls.

En este caso, para el suelo se ha reservado el papel unificador, es el acabado que da cohesión final a toda la decoración. Este parquet de roble alcanza un protagonismo absoluto gracias a su aspecto de parquet recuperado, tan ansiado en un proyecto de estas características.

Шкаф в прихожей до потолка, встроен в нишу. Фасады без ручек.
Photo of a small urban hallway in Moscow with white walls, ceramic flooring and beige floors.
Photo of a small urban hallway in Moscow with white walls, ceramic flooring and beige floors.

L’entrée de logement bénéficie de toute la hauteur sous plafond du logement. Tout comme dans le salon, nous pouvons en bénéficier pleinement et cet atout de charme contribue à créer le cachet de l’espace. Le miroir dissimule une porte et les deux suivantes permettent l’accès à la salle de bains ainsi qu’aux cabinets.

Diego Sánchez Fotografía
This is an example of a small industrial hallway in Other with white walls and dark hardwood flooring.
This is an example of a small industrial hallway in Other with white walls and dark hardwood flooring.

Industry の家「地熱住宅」
Inspiration for an industrial hallway in Other with multi-coloured walls, a single front door, a medium wood front door and black floors.
Inspiration for an industrial hallway in Other with multi-coloured walls, a single front door, a medium wood front door and black floors.

This is an example of an industrial hallway in Osaka with white walls and concrete flooring.
This is an example of an industrial hallway in Osaka with white walls and concrete flooring.

Medium sized urban hallway in Paris with white walls, ceramic flooring, a metal front door and brown floors.

Михаил Лоскутов
Photo of a small urban hallway in Toronto with grey walls, porcelain flooring and blue floors.
Photo of a small urban hallway in Toronto with grey walls, porcelain flooring and blue floors.

Small industrial hallway in Moscow with multi-coloured walls, ceramic flooring and multi-coloured floors.
Industrial Hallway Ideas and Designs

Inspiration for an industrial hallway in Osaka with multi-coloured walls and brown floors.
Inspiration for an industrial hallway in Osaka with multi-coloured walls and brown floors.