Architects in Over, Cambridgeshire

Architectural firms plan and design buildings, considering the land area and aesthetic requirements.

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Featured Reviews for Architects in Over, Cambridgeshire

The Atelier Brown
Architects in Over, Cambridgeshire
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars21 July 2020
“The Atelier Brown are extremely professional and I can't fault them at all. We were very happy with every aspect of the service they provided and wouldn't hesitate in highly recommending them.”
Cannon Architectural Design Ltd.
Architects in Over, Cambridgeshire
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars4 June 2019
“Tom offers a prompt and efficient service and is very good at keeping his customers informed throughout every step of the process. We would definitely use him again!!”
Tony Ryder Design
Architects in Over, Cambridgeshire
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars18 January 2024
“Tony was both creative and pragmatic on our massive rennon project on this 1978 link detached house that had been neglected and unloved since the previous owner was taken ill, some time back. His use of space and introduction of light and curves into areas of the house have been elemental in creating more space for us and we are delighted with the thoughtful choice of materials. Always will to help and be pro-active in a "soft-way" and working well with the building team made the project and enjoyable and rewarding experience.”
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